Other Content Creators:

Welcome to JustLikeGranny, a dedicated space for all you incredible Other Content Creators! I'm Ashton, and I'm thrilled to have you here. Whether you're a writer, artist, musician, podcaster, or any other kind of creator, our website is designed specifically with you in mind.

At JustLikeGranny, we understand the passion, dedication, and hard work that go into creating compelling content. We recognize the unique challenges you face as Other Content Creators, and we're here to provide support, inspiration, and a sense of community.

  • My mission is simple: to celebrate and uplift the diverse talents of Other Content Creators like you. We believe that every creator has a story to tell, a voice to be heard, and an audience waiting to be captivated. That's why we've created this platform as a space where you can showcase your work, connect with like-minded individuals, and unlock new opportunities.

    Here's what you can expect to find on JustLikeGranny:

  • Showcase Your Work: As a collaborator, you can display your incredible creations on my platform. Whether it's your captivating writing, stunning artwork, soulful music, or any other form of content, JustLikeGranny provides a space to feature your talent and attract a wider audience.

  • Resources and Tips: I understand the challenges of navigating the world of content creation. That's why we provide valuable resources, tips, and guides to help you hone your skills, enhance your productivity, and elevate the quality of your content. From writing techniques to artistic inspirations, we're here to support your creative journey as a collaborator.

  • Collaboration Opportunities: Collaboration is key to unlocking new creative possibilities. JustLikeGranny facilitates connections and collaborations among Other Content Creators like you. Discover potential collaborators, exchange ideas, and embark on exciting joint projects that can take your work to the next level.

  • Community Engagement: At JustLikeGranny, I foster a vibrant and inclusive community of Other Content Creators. Engage in meaningful discussions, share experiences, and find support from fellow creators who understand the unique challenges you face. Our forums, chat rooms, and social media channels provide a virtual space where you can connect, learn, and grow together as Ashton.

  • Featured Spotlights: I love highlighting outstanding creators who are making waves in the Other Content Creator community. Through my featured spotlights, I shine a light on the remarkable talents and stories behind the content. This is your opportunity to gain exposure and inspire others with your journey on JustLikeGranny.

I’m thrilled to have you, as part of our community of Other Content Creators. Together, let's celebrate the artistry, creativity, and diversity that make this community so special. Join JustLikeGranny today and unlock a world of possibilities for your content creation journey!

Are you looking to supercharge your Pinterest presence?

Hi there, I'm Stine, a Pinterest manager specializing in assisting creative businesses and bloggers to thrive on this vibrant platform.

With a passion for all things creative and a background as an au pair, I have embarked on an exciting journey to help individuals like you live life on their own terms. Originally from Norway, I now call Sweden my home, residing in a cozy little town that inspires me every day.

My ultimate goal is to deliver exceptional results for my clients.

  • To achieve this, I remain at the forefront of Pinterest news and updates, ensuring I am well-versed in the latest strategies and techniques. Here's a fun fact: while I may not be a math whiz (I barely passed the subject in school), Pinterest analytics have a mesmerizing effect on me! I find analyzing the numbers exhilarating and, more importantly, essential for driving success. It's this meticulous attention to detail that enables me to make data-driven adjustments and optimize your Pinterest performance.

Working with creative individuals is truly a passion of mine. Having previously worked as a kindergarten teacher, I reveled in the opportunity to unleash creativity and engage in activities such as crafting and baking with children. Pinterest provides me with a similar outlet, where I get to collaborate with amazing creators, design captivating pins, and immerse myself in the inspiring world of Pinterest.

If you're ready to take your Pinterest game to new heights, let's connect! I would love to discuss how I can help you achieve your goals and unlock the full potential of Pinterest for your business or blog. Feel free to reach out to me, and we can dive deeper into the exciting world of Pinterest together.