Southern Style Buttermilk Biscuits Recipe

Buttermilk biscuits are a staple of Southern cuisine, and for good reason. They are simple to make, delicious, and versatile. In this blog post, we will go over the ingredients and instructions for making this delicious biscuit recipe, as well as some tips for serving it and variations you can try.


  • Self-Rising Flour

  • Pig Lard, Crisco or Butter

  • Buttermilk

  • Salt

  • Baking Powder


  1. Preheat your oven to 500F.

  2. Grease your cast iron skillet.

  3. In a bowl, sift together the flour, salt, and baking powder.

  4. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and add the lard, butter, or Crisco.

  5. Slowly add the buttermilk to the well, mixing until a paste forms.

  6. Slowly incorporate the flour mixture into the paste until it becomes a slightly crumbly dough.

  7. Pour the dough onto a floured surface and fold it over on itself a few times. Roll it out slightly.

  8. Cut the biscuits out with a glass or a biscuit cutter, and add them to the greased pan.

  9. Add a small piece of lard, butter, or Crisco on top of each biscuit and bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown on top.

  10. If the biscuits are still doughy on the inside, put them back in the oven covered for an additional 10-15 minutes or until fully cooked.

  11. Once done, serve with butter, jelly, and breakfast sausages.

Tips for Making Perfect Buttermilk Biscuits

  • Self-rising flour is key for this recipe. It contains the perfect ratio of flour, baking powder, and salt for biscuits.

  • It's important to not overwork the dough. Overworking the dough can cause the biscuits to be tough and dense.

    • Using lard, butter, or Crisco will give the biscuits a rich, flaky texture.

    • Make sure your ingredients are at room temperature before starting the recipe.

    • Crowding the biscuits in the skillet will help them rise higher and give them a softer texture.

    • Keep an eye on the biscuits while baking, as the high heat can cause them to burn quickly.

    Serving Suggestions

    • Buttermilk biscuits are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Serve them with butter and jelly, or use them to make a delicious breakfast sandwich.

    • They are also perfect as a side to any southern-style dish such as fried chicken or gravy.


    • For a different flavor, try adding herbs such as thyme or rosemary to the dough.

    • For a sweeter biscuit, add a tablespoon of sugar to the dough.

    • You can also make a savory version by adding shredded cheese or chopped herbs to the dough.

    The history behind Buttermilk Biscuits

    Buttermilk biscuits have a long history in Southern cuisine, dating back to the early days of the region. They were a staple for early settlers and were often made with ingredients that were readily available, such as flour, lard, and buttermilk. The biscuits were also a staple for soldiers during the Civil War, as they were easy to make and transport. Today, they continue to be a beloved dish in Southern homes and restaurants.

    In conclusion, Southern Style Buttermilk Biscuits are a delicious and easy recipe to make at home. With just a few simple ingredients and a little bit of technique, you can make perfect, fluffy, and delicious biscuits every time. So next time you're craving some comfort food, give this recipe a try and enjoy the delicious taste of Southern cuisine.

    Additional serving suggestions

    • Gravy: Buttermilk biscuits are perfect for sopping up gravy, whether it's a traditional southern-style gravy or a more modern version like a mushroom or herb gravy.

    • Jam or honey: Add a touch of sweetness to your biscuit by spreading on some jam or honey.

    • Honey butter: Mix together some melted butter and honey for a delicious spread to top your biscuit with.

    • Breakfast sausage: Add a protein-packed option to your breakfast by serving your biscuits with breakfast sausage.

    • Fried egg: Add a fried egg on top of your biscuit for a delicious breakfast sandwich.


    • Self-rising flour can be substituted with all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt.

    • Buttermilk can be substituted with regular milk and a tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar.

    • Pig lard, crisco, or butter can be substituted with any of your preferred fats.


    Buttermilk biscuits are a Southern classic that are easy to make and delicious to eat. They can be served as breakfast, lunch, or dinner and are perfect for sopping up gravy or topping with butter and jelly. With a little bit of technique, you can make perfect, fluffy, and delicious biscuits every time. You can also try different variations, like adding herbs or cheese, or substituting ingredients to make it your own. So next time you're craving some comfort food, give this recipe a try and enjoy the delicious taste of Southern cuisine.

Yield: 8
Southern Style Buttermilk Biscuits

Southern Style Buttermilk Biscuits

This recipe is for Southern Style Buttermilk Biscuits. The ingredients needed are self-rising flour, pig lard, Crisco or butter, buttermilk and salt, and baking powder. The recipe starts by preheating the oven to 500F, greasing a cast iron skillet and sifting together the flour, salt, and baking powder in a bowl. A well is made in the center of the flour mixture and lard, butter or Crisco is added along with buttermilk. The mixture is then squished together and folded over a few times before being cut into biscuits and placed in the skillet. The biscuits are then baked for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown and served with butter and jelly.
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 25 MinTotal time: 40 Min


  • Self-Rising Flour
  • Pig Lard, Crisco or Butter
  • Buttermilk
  • Salt
  • Baking Powder


  1. I know I don’t have measurements for this recipe. But let me explain, biscuits are made from experience, look and feel. So let’s get started.
  2. First preheat your oven to 500F. Yes, I said 500F. Don’t question me, just do it. There’s a reason your stove can go that hot in the first place.
  3. Next, grease your cast iron skillet you’ll be using.
  4. Now in your bowl sift together your flour, salt and baking powder. If you use 1 cup of flour, do 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp baking powder. Go by that rule of thumb for if you use more.
  5. Once everything is sifted together make a well in the middle of your flour. Add your lard. You should have it and your buttermilk sitting out to room temperature.
  6. Add your cubed lard, butter or Crisco to the well along with a little buttermilk at a time. Squish together and form a paste. Once you’ve made your paste from the lard and buttermilk slowly incorporate your flour mixture into the paste until it becomes a slightly crumbly dough.
  7. After you’ve mixed it pour it out onto a flour surface and fold it over on itself a few times and rolling it out just a little bit. Do this a few times to make layers. Do not over work the dough or it will be too hard.
  8. Once you’ve made layer cut the biscuits out with a glass or a biscuit cutter. Add them to the greased pan and try to crowd them together.
  9. Once you’ve added them add a little piece of lard, butter or Crisco on top of each one and bake for about 10-15 minutes or until desired golden brown on top.
  10. Now be careful and watch the pan. If this is your first time making biscuits you don’t want to burn them. So keep an eye on them u til you get the hang of it.
  11. Once they’re done carefully remove them from the oven. 500F is very hot so make sure to be careful and not burn yourself.
  12. If you find your biscuits to still be doughy on the inside, put them back into the oven covered for an additional 10-15 minutes or until you feel they are cooked through.
  13. Once done, just serve with some butter, jelly and some delicious breakfast sausages. Yum!

Nutrition Facts





Sat. Fat






Net carbs









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Ashton Butler

Hi! My name is Ashton, and I go by JustLikeGranny on all of my social media platforms. I am a 30-year-old disabled home cook. I enjoy cooking (obviously), crocheting, and thrift-store shopping. I have a partner named David and two little furball babies called Oscar and Olivia. I hope you enjoy my website and all of the recipes on it. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for delicious weekly recipes!

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